Ambulation Definition


You may hear a clinician or therapist use the term ambulation. Stated plainly, ambulation is walking. More specifically and with regard to aging or injury, its the ability to walk from point A to point B independently, whether using an assistive device or not. Maintaining the ability to walk is one of the most important things seniors can do because it will help keep them as independent as possible for as long as possible.

You’ll hear physical therapists use this term in the same context as the phrase, “gait training”. Gait training is the medical term used when a clinician is “teaching” someone how to ambulate/walk better or when using an assistive device like a walker or cane, usually after a surgery or illness.

Safe ambulation should be encouraged, emphasized, even prioritized, because its essential for most all human activity. Plus, it lessens the actual burden of care needed by caregivers and makes getting to the bathroom, the doctor’s office, and out for a nice meal that much easier.

See this guide for helping seniors walk better.