The Guides

Getting Out of Bed

Helping someone to get into and out of the bed may seem like a simple task, but it can be challenging when helping seniors that may be weak or have aches and pains.

Getting Up From a Fall

Falling is a big concern with older adults. Lying on the floor for a long time or getting up incorrectly could cause additional injury.

Preventing Falls

Many falls can be prevented, especially if you know what potential causes to look for. Here you learn more about the common factors that can lead to a fall.

Get Elderly To Excercise

Many adults become inactive as the years roll on, and can become susceptible to obesity, memory issues, poor bone strength, cardiovascular disease, and other serious health conditions. Exercise can help.

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Helping Elderly Stay in Their Homes

Staying in your own home when you get older is called “aging in place.” This guide contains suggestions to help a person do just that.

Getting Up From a Chair

Trying to lift or pull a person up from a chair can be a strain on all parties and increases the risk of injury to each.

How to Walk Better

Living is harder for people with limited mobility. And walking is an essential function we need to maintain as long as possible.

Aging In Place
Photo by geralt

More to Come

Additional guides to help caregivers and care recipients are upcoming. Let us know what you’re interested in reading about.